Vintage Sari Kantha
Kantha Throws: literally means, “quilt of recycled cotton rag”. Throws are made from layers of old saris joined by a simple running stitch. This produces a wonderful rippled effect. Sometimes additional layers of saris are placed between the front and back surface to make thicker garments. Traditional Kantha uses white stitching, but Mieko invented the concept of using various colors of thread to complement and contrast the patterns in the cloth. This intensifies the undulation of the stitching process.

Kantha Throws
The running stitch of the Kantha Throws produces a wonderful rippled effect. Sometimes additional layers of saris are placed between the front and back surface to make thicker garments. Traditional Kantha uses white stitching, but Mieko invented the concept of using various colors of thread to complement and contrast the patterns in the cloth. This intensifies the undulation of the stitching process.

Folk Belief
This Kantha cloth also has a magical purpose and is often displayed at Indian shrines or tied to trees. It is believed to symbolize prayers and ward off the “evil eye”. Traditionally, Kantha are supposed to keep their wearers safe from harm and aid in obtaining happiness and prosperity, all of which Mieko wishes for you.